Major Beall to John Love; 6 March 1854
Dear Love
You will much oblige me by attending to the this matter [sale of brood mares] for Dr. Mills. You may probably know Dr. Mills and may have served with him. He is at present at this Post as Surgeon. Now my dear fellow give this matter your particular attention as the Doc is anxious and is desireous of getting up a stock farm either in Missouri or the contemplated Terry. of Nebraska.
How do you come in--what's the price of railroad stock[?] Can a poor devil like me make any money in this business? Or must I go back to Chihuahua and meet such fellows as you, Terry, Folger, Adams, Easton, McCarty, & a lot of others who congregated in that abomiable Corral.
I am here in command of this post. Run some of your rail roads in this direction and I will patronize you (d--m poor patron).
I would like to hear from you occasionally. Give me a line. I shall always be glad to hear from my chums particularly those who fought & died with me (spiritual rapture from those last mentioned persons I am in daily correspondence with.
Yours truly,
BL Beall
You will much oblige me by attending to the this matter [sale of brood mares] for Dr. Mills. You may probably know Dr. Mills and may have served with him. He is at present at this Post as Surgeon. Now my dear fellow give this matter your particular attention as the Doc is anxious and is desireous of getting up a stock farm either in Missouri or the contemplated Terry. of Nebraska.
How do you come in--what's the price of railroad stock[?] Can a poor devil like me make any money in this business? Or must I go back to Chihuahua and meet such fellows as you, Terry, Folger, Adams, Easton, McCarty, & a lot of others who congregated in that abomiable Corral.
I am here in command of this post. Run some of your rail roads in this direction and I will patronize you (d--m poor patron).
I would like to hear from you occasionally. Give me a line. I shall always be glad to hear from my chums particularly those who fought & died with me (spiritual rapture from those last mentioned persons I am in daily correspondence with.
Yours truly,
BL Beall